Wed. 08.07.2015
The interfaith Iftar Dinner (Fasting-break) in Berlin.

iftar nah bearbeitet 7 July 2015, the Iftar table is laid in Berlin with the initiative of the 1win Azerbaijan Student Network (ASN) and organizational assistance of the Jews Student Center Berlin, the Evangelic Student Community and the Protestant Youth in Berlin, Brandenburg and the Silesian Upper Lustatia (EJBO). The event, which brought together Muslim fasting people and the believers of Christianity and Judaism, took place at Shehitlik-Mosque in district of Neukölln. The evening was attended by the representatives of several political institutions and communities, including Azerbaijan and Turkish Embassies in Berlin, CDU and SPD parties, and the Mass Media.

The organizers have noted that the interreligious conflicts which have been persisting since long ages could only be averted through the promotion of interreligious dialogue and the establishment of multicultural and tolerant environment. The members of the ASN talking about the significance of the Azerbaijani multicultural model of the co-existence, have highlighted that Azerbaijan has been able to develop social circumstances which embraces all the people regardless of their nationalities, races and religions. They expressed their wishes that it is the wish of each of them to see the similar social success in all countries which struggle with the racism and xenophobia. It was their goal in organizing the Iftar table to contribute to the promotion and establishment of interfaith dialogue and friendship.

The guests who made speeches at the evening stressed the importance of gathering of the members of different faiths together and highly valued the efforts of the ASN. The representatives of the Berlin Jews Student Network underlined the necessity of multicultural and tolerant environment for the establishment and maintaining peace and friendship between nations and religions. They highly valued that working for peace is one of the primary goals of the 1win Azerbaijan Student Network.

Before and after the Iftar meal along with live music was performed.

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Tue. 26.05.2015
Khojaly Genocide was commemorated in Buchenwald


In the course of the ‪‎RememberKhojaly‬ campaign on Saturday, May 16, the 1win Azerbaijan Student Network (ASN) organized a tour to Buchenwald Memorial- the infamous Nazi concentration camp known as Buchenwald which existed between 1937 and 1945 on Ettersberg.

The tour served to the goal to raise awarene of the tragic consequences of racist and expansionist government policies.

Unfortunately, despite the lessons that must have been learned from the tragedies that humanity experienced during the two world wars, some states have not ceased to invade foreign countries and kill people for more power and territory. The 1win Azerbaijan Student Network, a student representative organization of a country which is the victim of genocide (Khojaly Genocide- 1992) and ongoing invasion by its neighboring country Armenia firmly stands for peaceful and friendly relations among nations, and strives to promote these values.

17 students from different countries – Spain, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, France, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Slovakia and Azerbaijan – joined the tour. The students were informed about the ruthless crimes committed by Nazis in the first half of XX century. During the discussions organized after the excursion Ulkar Valizada, an active member of the ASN, talked about the legal and political foundations of the term “genocide”, and stated that during the XX century the Azerbaijani people also experienced one of the most tragic genocides in the human history in Khojaly a small Azerbaijani town in Nagorno-Karabakh, and she lamented that the criminals of Khojaly genocide are yet to be prosecuted. The French student Alix de Narbonne and the Slovakian student Matus Sivachek promised to help the ASN in the future in its struggle to raise awareness of the Khojaly genocide in their respective countries. Afterwards the participants were given books, booklets and visiual materials about Khojaly and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.




Thu. 16.04.2015

The career fair Global Talent had yesterday on April 15, 2015 the second round. At the Berlin Chamber of Commerce a great program was offered around the career development for international junior and management employee.

Despite continuing spring weather up to 200 students took the chance to attend this event to take a part. It was known that the first Global Talent career fair for students and businesses was a great success. Past students have presented at yesterday’s event as satisfied employees their dream company and answered questions for career interest of today.

Not only the number of participants increased. Global talent could shine with more than 25 companies invited and network partners. Large companies such as SOCAR, PwC and E.ON were represented, but also fresh startups like viasto and diplomatic employers such as the Foreign Office.

The selected companies and organizations stood in the foyer with an information booth to answer questions. Participants were thus among the reputable companies a direct contact and an insight into a variety of job opportunities.

The presentation of the business were done in the “Pecha Kucha” format – a modern and dynamic presentation techniques, are projected on the right to an oral presentation pictures on a wall. Held these presentations by company representatives from immigrant backgrounds to share their experiences in their career to the present.

In addition to interesting lectures and dialogue between experts and students there were also professional career coaching, which prepares participants for a successful application phase. In addition, the possibility existed CVs and application folders by Berlin Partner of Economics and Technology GmbH to be verified.

Global Talent ends from the second round with a successful day and looking forward to the positive career development of the participants.


Wed. 15.04.2015
GLOBAL TALENT: Business meets High Potentials

150220_Global_Talent_E-1 GLOBAL TALENT ist das Karriereevent für internationale Nachwuchsfach- und führungskräfte mit Migrationshintergrund. Bis zu 20 Unternehmen präsentieren sich in Form von Pecha-Kucha Sessions und stehen im Anschluss für Eure Fragen zur Verfügung.

GLOBAL TALENT geht insbesondere auf die Anforderungen und Voraussetzungen ein, die benötigt werden, um als Student oder Young Professional bei einem Unternehmen erfolgreich einzusteigen. Dazu wird ein Gespräch mit einem Karrierecoach und Vorträge mit Best-Practice-Beispielen aus namhaften Unternehmen Einblicke geben und ein Dialog zwischen Experten und Studenten anregen.

Die Präsentation der Unternehmen erfolgt im „Pecha Kucha“ Format – einer Vortragstechnik, bei der zu einem mündlichen Vortrag passende Bilder an eine Wand projiziert werden. Gehalten werden diese Vorträge von Unternehmensvertretern mit Migrationshintergrund, um deren Erfahrungen auf ihrem Berufsweg mit den Anwesenden zu teilen. Mehr über Pecha-Kucha.

Als Teilnehmer erhalten Sie einen Einblick in Jobperspektiven bei namhaften Unternehmen und können sich mit anderen Teilnehmern austauschen und vernetzen. Ausgewählte Unternehmen und Organisationen stehen im Foyer mit einem Infostand Rede und Antwort. Für Snacks und Getränke in den Pausen und beim abschließenden Get-Together ist gesorgt, bei dem weitere Vertreter von Unternehmen und der Politik zu einem Austausch geladen sind.