Khojaly Genocide was commemorated in Buchenwald

26. May. 2015


In the course of the ‪‎RememberKhojaly‬ campaign on Saturday, May 16, the 1win Azerbaijan Student Network (ASN) organized a tour to Buchenwald Memorial- the infamous Nazi concentration camp known as Buchenwald which existed between 1937 and 1945 on Ettersberg.

The tour served to the goal to raise awarene of the tragic consequences of racist and expansionist government policies.

Unfortunately, despite the lessons that must have been learned from the tragedies that humanity experienced during the two world wars, some states have not ceased to invade foreign countries and kill people for more power and territory. The 1win Azerbaijan Student Network, a student representative organization of a country which is the victim of genocide (Khojaly Genocide- 1992) and ongoing invasion by its neighboring country Armenia firmly stands for peaceful and friendly relations among nations, and strives to promote these values.

17 students from different countries – Spain, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, France, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Slovakia and Azerbaijan – joined the tour. The students were informed about the ruthless crimes committed by Nazis in the first half of XX century. During the discussions organized after the excursion Ulkar Valizada, an active member of the ASN, talked about the legal and political foundations of the term “genocide”, and stated that during the XX century the Azerbaijani people also experienced one of the most tragic genocides in the human history in Khojaly a small Azerbaijani town in Nagorno-Karabakh, and she lamented that the criminals of Khojaly genocide are yet to be prosecuted. The French student Alix de Narbonne and the Slovakian student Matus Sivachek promised to help the ASN in the future in its struggle to raise awareness of the Khojaly genocide in their respective countries. Afterwards the participants were given books, booklets and visiual materials about Khojaly and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


